[#mnrising Dispatch] September 2012
Thanks to all those who made Saturday, September 22, 2012 such an amazing day at the Minnesota Rising 2012 Un/Conference: Leveraging Expansive Leadership for Our Minnesota! In the beautiful DLR Group event space filled to the brim with incredible emerging leaders spanning issue and career interests, we created new connections, shared powerful stories and ideas, and considered how we can think even bigger for a brighter future for our state and communities.
Hats off to our talented 2012 Un/Conference planning team, industrious Network Partners, and generous sponsors, as well as to our numerous presenters, including the inspiring Solome Tibebu. Stay tuned to the Minnesota Rising blog as we continue to recap the great insights shared and partnerships developed in the weeks to come!
While the day itself was awe-inspiring, it was one example of how we can continue building a network for what's next in Minnesota and leveraging expansive leadership for our state. To that end, we invite you to take part in the Minnesota Rising Cascading Conversations Tour and help to discover our generation's shared visions and values. With common purpose and shared vision, we can begin to shape the future of this place we so proudly call home, starting now.

Leaders of Today and Tomorrow: 2013 Fellows Program
Leaders of Today and Tomorrow, Minnesota Rising Network Partner
If every woman viewed herself as a leader, what kind of world would we create?
The League of Women Voters Minnesota's Leaders of Today and Tomorrow Fellows Program brings together women from diverse backgrounds and creates collaboration. Our program brings women together under the belief that women's leadership is different and necessary.
Over the course of three months, fellows and mentors embark on an exciting journey of partnership, reflection, coaching, and inspiration. Activities include interactive discussions, a variety of guest speakers, and one-on-one mentoring.
LOTT Fellows are challenged to envision themselves as current leaders and plan for future leadership opportunities. The program is designed to develop young women's potential to lead professionally, personally, and in their communities.
Are you interested in developing your leadership skills? Apply to be a 2013 Fellow. Applications are due October 14, 2012. [Read more.]

The Digital Divide
Brian Cihacek, Guest Blogger
Chester Irving Barnard, a telecommunications executive and author of Functions of the Executive, argued that one of the three functions of an executive was to establish and maintain a system of communication. At the time of his writing, the modes of communications were limited for Chester: he had postal mail, television and phone. Today's executive faces nearly double the modes; they have gained email, web pages and social networking.
Over the past decade, the use of electronic or IT communications have increased and stand to become the dominant form of communication for most of the population. Yet as a recent Pew Research report tells a divide between the technological haves and the technological have not's remains. The report tells us that 1 in 5 American adults do not use the internet, particularly those who are senior citizens, those who prefer Spanish to English, those who have less than a high school diploma, and those living in households that make less than $30,000. So what does this mean for organizational communications?
[Read more.]
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