[#mnrising Dispatch] December 2017
In this season of dark and cold in the Bold North, we can be grateful that this time of hibernation and dormancy are providing the necessary ingredients for the seeds of creativity, connection, and hope within us to sprout in 2018. May you find what you need among the opportunities within this month's Dispatch, friends and family around you, and the larger community committed to taking action to improve health and vitality for all in the year ahead. "And now we welcome the new year, full of things that have never been." -Rainer Maria Rilke

MNxMN 2018
Statewide social justice conference
MNxMN 2018: Beyond Resistance is a brand new social justice conference designed to bring new and experienced activists from around the state together to focus on issues affecting all Minnesotans. Our goal is for participants to become more effective advocates in preparation for the 2018 legislative session, mid-term elections and ongoing grassroots activism. This one-day event on Saturday, January 28 at Harding High School will feature workshops, speakers, forums and activities to deepen knowledge, develop advocacy skills and build relationships between new and existing activist organizations and individuals. [ Read more.]


Somali Youth Anthology
Submissions due January 31
The Minnesota Humanities Center is excited to share that we are seeking submissions for a new anthology project of storytelling by Somali youth. This first-of-its kind anthology will be edited by community-leader Marian Hassan and will include the authentic, first-hand stories of Minnesota's Somali youth (ages 10-30). Through stories and storytelling, these youth will take inspiration and realize the power of their voices by sharing their experiences in a variety of creative formats, collected together as a tapestry of experience. First draft submissions are due January 31, 2018 and over the next few months will be workshopped into a final draft to submit to the editorial panel for final review and assessment. [Read more.]