Living and Leading with Empathy
Come join the Twin Cities Business Peer Network for an engaging and interactive workshop on Leveraging Empathy to enhance your leadership and improve your results. Learn best practices on how to use elements of Emotional Intelligence in everyday situations to improve connection, communication, and trust. Meet and network with other business and community leaders in the Twin Cities as you go through various scenarios with examples of when and how to use empathy to help build more effective personal and professional relationships. This workshop includes a presentation and multiple videos and role play exercises. Dress Code: Business casual or casual. [Read more.]

Food justice workshops across Minnesota
The University of Minnesota Extension and food justice leaders around the state are working together to equip people with the skills and tools to cultivate meaningful dialogue that leads to action. The team is delighted to offer workshops around Minnesota to support other leaders who are working to create a more just food system. Come ready to learn new skills, form new relationships and work with others to advance strategic efforts like the Minnesota Food Charter. At these workshops you will: Learn how to engage in and lead collaborative work in the food system; Gain valuable methods and practical tools for facilitation; Connect with others in powerful, action-oriented conversations; Become a more effective agent of change in your organization and/or community. Choose from workshops in Rochester, Saint Paul, Willmar, North Minneapolis, Eagan, Duluth, and Moorhead. [Register online.]

Lower Phalen Creek Project Winter Bird Count
A bird count is a free, fun, and easy way for bird watchers of all ages to engage in citizen science by counting birds to create a real-time snapshot of bird populations. Participants will identify and count birds at Bruce Vento Nature Sanctuary and report sightings online for analysis which helps guide scientists and policy-makers in addressing the needs of birds. Each session will be led by local birders - Monica Bryand, Abbie Anderson, and/or Maggie Lorenz. Bring binoculars if you have them, there will be a few to borrow if needed. Meet at the entrance to Bruce Vento Nature Sanctuary at 4th and Commercial St. Dress for the weather. [More info.]

The Winter Guide
Help newcomers prepare for winter with Make It. MSP.'s Online Winter Guide! Make It. MSP. research has shown that Minnesota winters can be a significant source of anxiety for newcomers - especially those who have never experienced a midwest winter before moving here. It's not just about knowing if and when you need to winterize your car. It's also about connecting newcomers to the local activities, traditions, and events across the Greater MSP region that make this season great. Make It. MSP. created the free online Winter Guide to help newcomers prepare for and navigate their snowy seasons in Greater MSP. With everything from a winter lingo glossary and transportation guide to events calendars and seasonal recipes, this resource empowers residents to make the most of their winter experience. [Learn more.]