[#mnrising Dispatch] July 2017
Drawing inspiration to fully embrace these days and this season from Mary Oliver's " The Summer Day," we leave you this month merely with an excerpt of her poetry: I don't know exactly what a prayer is. I do know how to pay attention, how to fall down into the grass, how to kneel down in the grass, how to be idle and blessed, how to stroll through the fields, which is what I have been doing all day. Tell me, what else should I have done? Doesn't everything die at last, and too soon? Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?

Recruiting Fellows and Mentors
Leaders of Today and Tomorrow (LOTT)
The LOTT program empowers emerging professional women to envision themselves as leaders professionally, personally, and in their communities. The 2017-2018 program will run from September 2017 through April 2018 and will include one-on-one mentoring, leadership workshops, networking opportunities, and more. LOTT fellows are challenged to cultivate the leadership skills they already have in order to envision themselves as current leaders and plan for future leadership opportunities. The program is also a chance for experienced professional women to share their knowledge and develop the next generation of female leaders! The 2017 application deadline is August 11. [Read more.]


Seeking Multicultural Leadership for Advisory Board
Minnesota's National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) is seeking young adults between 18-35 to serve on a multicultural advisory board. Members of the board will assist NAMI Minnesota in providing education and outreach to build positive relationships with Minnesota's multicultural communities. Board members will gain experience working for a nonprofit, and will receive mental health psychoeducation and peer–support training. Members will assist in developing and piloting peer-based anti-stigma campaigns, and will be provided access to NAMI Minnesota's state mental health conference, research dinner, and annual mental health walk. To apply, email a resume and statement of interest to intern@namimn.org, attention: Cynthia Fashaw by September 24.