Thursday, July 14, 2011

Sign up for Deelabob and support STLF!

You may have heard the phrase, "There is no work/life balance anymore. It's just life." In a similar way, the tide has turned such that there is a decreasing divide between spending money for consumer versus philanthropic purposes. In fact, the dollars you spend on personal goods can easily translate to common good. This is one of the ideas behind, also referred to by an awesome STLFer, Bill Breon, as "Groupon with a conscience." See his message below for how you can use your purchasing power to help reveal leadership and pay it forward!
Ladies and gentlemen,

I'm sending this e-mail to you today because I know you love Students Today Leaders Forever. After a great conversation with a friend, I have an exciting opportunity to help STLF that relies on people spreading the word quickly. I'm hoping you can help me out. Let me explain...

John Huber, a friend of mine from Rotaract and a big fan of STLF, has recently become part of the executive team at Dealeebob is a daily deal website that donates $1 to a designated non-profit for every person who signs up, and makes a 5% donation of any purchases they make from the deals. All deals are at least 50% off, and are targeted to the Minneapolis/St. Paul area. It's like Groupon with a conscience.

John has offered us the kind of challenge that's hard to walk away from. If we can get to 1,000 members on Dealeebob by 7/31, he will personally donate $500 to the organization. If we can break that number, it's $1500 to get more young people on a Pay It Forward Tour immediately. Plus, STLF will get a 5% donation from any purchases made.

We're closing in on the end of our fiscal year... and $1500 would make a big difference.

Here's the link to sign up:

Remember, STLF will get $1 as soon as you sign up. And if we can get 1,000 people to sign up, it will be another $500 automatically.

Please sign up! Then, forward it on to your friends. Know people who already use Groupon? They might like it better if they knew it was supporting a good cause. E-mail, Facebook, Twitter, whatever you use to share with people, share this opportunity with them! Thanks for your help!

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