Wednesday, May 4
12:00pm - 1:00pm
Big Brothers Big Sisters Twin Cities
Tuesday, May 10
5:30pm - 7:00pm
Goodwill Easter Seals
Thursday, May 12
6:00pm - 8:00pm
Graves 601 Hotel
Blog Bytes
Making Our #MNRising Mark!
Don't forget to tag your upcoming emerging leader events, thoughts, musings, and more, #mnrising, on Twitter and Facebook. Let's aggregate and organize ourselves for increased interaction and potential for collaboration!
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[Minnesota Rising] April 2011 Update
Thanks to those who attended our recent Un/Conference 2.0 Brainstorm and Blog Focus Group. We're pleased to be moving ahead in further defining and refining the work of Minnesota Rising!
In April, we kicked off work to convene the process and conversations for developing a generational theme or principles for emerging leaders in Minnesota and their organizations. We'd love your feedback and input in this endeavor! In our initial phase of research, we're looking to identify:
- Organizations conducting focus groups with Millennials in Minnesota
- National and statewide reports detailing Millennial demographics, statistics, and data
- Emerging leader groups across the country that utilize an umbrella or network model
Please email minnesotarising[at] if you have suggestions for reports, groups, organizations, or any other intel to share about work that is being done to collaboratively build a network of emerging leaders or engage around generational identity for the common good, either here or elsewhere in the country or world. Thanks for your ideas and input!
Up Next: Un/Conference 2011 Planning
Minnesota Rising Un/Conference 2.0 Kick-Off Planning Meeting
Monday, May 9, 2011
Grassroots Solutions
5:45PM - 7:30PM 2828 University Avenue, Suite 150, Minneapolis 55414
We're excited to be kicking off the planning process for Minnesota Rising's second annual Un/Conference, slated for October 2011. Feel free to send ideas for sessions, formats, and speakers, as well as RSVPs, to minnesotarising[at]!
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