IQ Magazine

Generation Next: The Millennials
Franz Vancura always thought he’d
practice law in the Twin Cities. That certainly was the plan when a
Minneapolis law firm hired him in 2011. But when
his new employer encouraged the recent University of St. Thomas School
of Law graduate to take a year to clerk for a judge before jumping into
life as a corporate attorney, Vancura didn’t pursue any opportunities in
the metro area. “I applied to any judge north of Brainerd,” said the
New Ulm native.
Vancura’s interest in the region started
when he was young. His family owned property on Little Webb Lake in
Hackensack and he had happy memories of fishing and relaxing with
friends and relatives on the lake. “I had a real connection with the
geography and nature of the area,” he said. When he was hired by Judge
John P. Smith in Walker, Vancura packed up his Minneapolis condo and
moved to a cabin in the woods on Horseshoe Lake.
Most people with big-city ambitions would
find the off season at a resort community like Walker a little sleepy.
But Vancura thrived, especially after he bought an English Springer
Spaniel and spent his weekends walking through the woods hunting grouse
and pheasants. “It became harder and harder to justify leaving a place I
loved and a community I’d gotten involved in to go back to the Twin
Cities,” he said. “I just came to the conclusion that I’d be happier and
have a better quality of life staying up here.”
At 31, Vancura is at the old end of the
generation dubbed the Millennials. Born between 1981 and 2000, the group
gets its name from the fact that it’s the first generation to come of
age in the new millennium.
According to Minnesota Compass, there are 1.5 millennials living in the Land of 10,000 Lakes—200,000 in Central Minnesota. That’s compared to 1.3 million Baby Boomers—the demographic bulge of people born between 1946 and 1964. As the Boomers retire, these young people are crucial to our region’s future.
According to Minnesota Compass, there are 1.5 millennials living in the Land of 10,000 Lakes—200,000 in Central Minnesota. That’s compared to 1.3 million Baby Boomers—the demographic bulge of people born between 1946 and 1964. As the Boomers retire, these young people are crucial to our region’s future.
That’s what Vancura found when he did some research and
discovered that there was only one other attorney under the age of 55
with a solo practice in Cass County. So he literally hung out his
shingle and founded the Vancura Law Firm, now located in Walker. He
immersed himself in the community, joining the Walker Rotary Club and
St. Agnes Parish, and learned how to curl. He also took on as much pro
bono work as he could handle and raised money for Hackensack’s PAWS and
CLAWS Animal Shelter, an Initiative Foundation Turn Key component fund.
Locals took note. “Franz was one of the first people to
get back to us and say he’d help in any way,” said Betty Thomas, the
founder of beekeeping supply company Mann Lake Ltd. and the driving
force behind PAWS and CLAWS. “Sometimes you can’t just have older folks
who are established. You need to bring in the people with new ideas and
listen to them.”
Economic development experts agree. “The Millennials are
our future leaders, elected officials, employees, company owners and
parents,” said Kathy Gaalswyk, president of the Initiative Foundation.
“As the Baby Boomers retire, sell their companies and discontinue their
public service, this is the next wave of leaders.”
Attracting these future leaders to Central Minnesota could
be a challenge. An analysis done by the Pew Research Center in
Washington, D.C., found that only 14 percent of Millennials live in
rural areas nationwide, a marked decline from the 29 percent of Boomers
who called small town America home when they were young adults. This
challenge is further compounded by the fact that even though Millennials
are less inclined to buy a home than older Americans, there’s a housing
shortage in Central Minnesota.
The good news is that there’s another story beneath these
statistics. Research by Ben Winchester, a fellow at the University of
Minnesota Extension Center for Community Vitality, actually shows a
“brain gain” in rural Minnesota since 1970, comprised primarily of
people between the ages of 30 and 49 who, like Vancura, move to rural
communities because they are drawn to the quality of life. As
Millennials start families, Central Minnesota has an opportunity to
capitalize on the region’s natural assets and the fact that our economy
is no longer based solely on agriculture.
“This isn’t your grandpa’s rural,” said Winchester.
“Anywhere between 30 to 60 percent of people in the rural communities
are proprietors. A lot of people are independent contractors.”
Generation start-up
Like any generation, Millennials have their own
perspective on the world, which is often shaped by current events. Hit
hard by the recession, they don’t feel the same kind of loyalty to a
single employer that their older co-workers do. According to the Pew
Research Center survey, about two-thirds of all employed Millennials say
it is likely they will switch careers sometime in their working life,
compared with 55 percent of Gen Xers and 31 percent of Baby Boomers.
In fact, many Millennials in rural communities will have
to start and run their own businesses. “Millennials will be the most
entrepreneurial generation,” said Jack Schultz, the author of Boomtown
USA: The 7½ Keys to Big Success in Small Towns. “That’s important
because most small towns aren’t going to be able to bring in the next
company. We have to grow our own.”
Starting a business just made sense to Travis Kelley, the
28-year-old co-founder and owner of JenTra Tools in Backus. After two
years of working at a Minneapolis lumber company, the Backus native
moved back home to sell doors to lumber yards north of Brainerd. When he
noticed that the doors often warped after they were installed, he and
his wife, Jen, decided to figure out a solution.
“The doors in our factories were always flat as a board,”
Kelley said. “If the door is installed properly, it shouldn’t warp.”
Seeing an opportunity for a precision tool that takes the guesswork out
of door installation, the Kelleys created a prototype using tin,
cardboard and a level from Menards. “We used it to put a door in and
thought, holy cow, that will work,” said Kelley.
As a new company with no track record, the Kelleys weren’t
able to get traditional funding for a loan to start their business. But
research turned up several local opportunities that turned their dream
into reality. An ex-lawyer from Andersen Windows wrote their utility
patent pro bono. Business financing from the Initiative Foundation and
Crow Wing Power got them on their way.
Manufactured in Rogers and assembled in Backus, The
CHEATAH door level hit store shelves in 2012 and already has been
mentioned on the DIY Network’s “Must Have” list from the International
Building Show. They’ve sold 6,000 units and are working toward
introducing other tools and breaking into the big box market. Kelley
credits much of his success to his hometown. “I have so much support,”
he said. “I grew up with these people so I know they always have my
Connectors and collaborators
This can-do spirit is part of a Millennial’s approach to
work in general. It’s not unusual today to hear a Boomer marvel, and
sometimes even gripe, about how their Millennial colleague feels
entitled to a one-on-one meeting with the company’s president. But
there’s a positive spin to that generational stereotype. “Millennials
like to be in the loop,” said Diane Tran, the founder of Minnesota
Rising, a network for emerging leaders in Minnesota. “People can say
they constantly want ribbons and awards, but it’s more that they enjoy
human connections. Millennials like feedback, collaborating and working
in teams.”
That’s not the only way Millennials are changing the way
that traditional workplaces operate. “Boomers are into the time clock,”
said Chris Fastner, who in his work as the senior program manager for
organizational development at the Initiative Foundation oversees the
organization’s VISTA volunteers. “Millennials seem to be more focused on
getting the work done,” he said.
That’s a generational stereotype that resonates with
Katrina Pierson, the 28-year-old partner at HBH Consultants in St.
Cloud. “I was 10 when my family got the Internet,” she said. “We are
used to being on all the time because technology is part of who we are.
People my age don’t want to be tied to a 9 to 5 structure.”
That natural ease with technology makes Millennials
extremely valuable to their workplaces. As the first generation to view
texting, tweeting, and “liking” posts on Facebook and Instagram as
everyday parts of life, they understand how to capitalize on social
media in a way that might elude their older colleagues.
“Technology has given us a new set of tools that can lead to opportunities for innovation and connecting people,” said Tran. “The younger part of the workforce can help make meaning of these technologies.”
“Technology has given us a new set of tools that can lead to opportunities for innovation and connecting people,” said Tran. “The younger part of the workforce can help make meaning of these technologies.”
That doesn’t mean the Millennials entrance into the
workforce has not come without bumps. At Mann Lake, Thomas says that her
younger employees have learned that when they are at work, they need to
keep their piercings and tattoos hidden. (Four in 10 Millennials have
at least one tattoo, according to Pew Research.) “What they do after
hours is up to them,” she said. “But when they are the face of Mann
Lake, it has to be our corporate image.”
As an employee stock ownership company, Thomas knows that
the future of Mann Lake relies on this generation. “In small rural
America kids graduate from high school, flee and don’t come back until
they are ready to retire,” she said. “We need a reason that they can
come back, live, raise their families, enjoy the quality of life we have
and offer them a good standard of living.”
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