[#mnrising Dispatch] December 2013
2013 was a banner year for Minnesota Rising: We hosted an incredible fourth annual Un/Conference: Cultivating Capacity for Collective Leadership; were featured in MinnPost, Twin Cities Business Magazine, and on MPR's The Daily Roundtable; unveiled the initial findings from the "Our Minnesota" Cascading Conversations Tour; and got to work alongside so many of you through events focused on redefining diversity, women's leadership, celebrating Hmong Americans in Minnesota, Give to the Max Day 2013, and the future of the Twin Cities region. Thank you for your partnership this past year and we hope you resolve to join us for more in 2014!
Minnesota Rising 2014 Groupthink & Goals Gathering Tuesday, January 7, 2014 5:30pm - 7:30pm Grassroots Solutions RSVP today to minnesotarising[at]gmail[dot]com and help us pave a path forward for the year ahead!

Recruiting the next generation of civic leaders
Civic and philanthropic leadership organizations are looking ahead to the next generation of leaders. There are at least 52 networking groups in the Twin Cities helping young professionals connect and give back in their communities. Nonprofits are looking for ways to engage young people so they become current and future donors. From Twin Cities Business: Diane Tran, founder of Minnesota Rising, put it this way: "How can we build the collective capacity of our generation to lead the new Minnesota?" She created Minnesota Rising to build relationships, trust, and a shared vision that emerging leaders can unite around. Among other events, Minnesota Rising sponsors the annual Un/Conference . . . which draws 100 or so emerging leaders for an all-day Saturday session of leadership training, inspirational speakers, and networking opportunities.Tran joins The Daily Circuit along with Jonathan Wilson, partner at the Best & Flanagan law firm, to discuss the future of local philanthropy. [Read more.]
December Update from LOTT
Sarah Bauer & Sally McGraw, Leaders of Today and Tomorrow
Since our last update, we selected an amazing group of 10 fellows and 10 mentors to participate in the 2014 Leaders of Today and Tomorrow fellowship program. We met with mentors and fellows for orientation sessions last month and are excited to get to know this amazing, diverse and brilliant group of women over the next several months. During the orientation sessions, past mentors and fellows shared their LOTT experiences with the group. This program has changed lives, simply stated. Leadership voices have been found, connections made, networks expanded, new jobs started, and much personal reflection done - resulting in great action. [Read more.]

OTA and Pollen Merge
OTA-PollenThis isn't your typical job board. This isn't just any networking organization. And the events are anything but ordinary. OTA and Pollen, two incredible organizations that work to collide and connect creative and civic-minded individuals, are colliding themselves. And, in the process, they believe they might just spark a regional transformation in North Dakota, South Dakota and Minnesota with a world class network of individuals, organizations, communities and ideas. Not familiar with OTA or Pollen? Over the past five years OTA has formed a movement dedicated to 'connecting the disconnected' throughout North Dakota, South Dakota and Minnesota. Led by South Dakota native Hugh Weber, the OTA series of events brings together the region's best and brightest along with world leaders to share insights and expertise, develop relationships and create limitless possibilities. Pollen, over the past five years, has grown to become the Twin Cities' largest digital network of civic-minded connectors. The content is crowdsourced and created by a cross-sector community focused on elevating the personal and professional growth of its members. [Read more.]
Collaborators across borders
Diane Tran, 2013 American Marshall Memorial Fellow
On day four of the U.S. government shutdown, I and fourteen other American fellows flew across the Atlantic Ocean and began our Marshall Memorial Fellowship program. While questions related to the cause for the shutdown and analysis about its global impact varied, it was clear to the Europeans we met with during our travels that the shutdown was a poignant example of the inability of United States political leaders to compromise and develop solutions. With the question of working across parties at the back of my mind, I noted three particular examples of enduring partnership and innovative collaborations based in Europe that I'm hopeful we might take a lesson from in the United States. [Read more.]
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