[#mnrising Dispatch] April 2013
The seasonal pictures in our elementary school calendars taught us that it rains in March and flowers blossom in April. As we've grown older and wiser, we Minnesotans have learned that things don't always go as our teachers, parents, or politicians have taught us to expect. So we've learned to work with what we're given - rain or shine. Whether it's tanning on the beach of a half-frozen lake, or starting a community-driven initiative when our day jobs don't fulfill every last one of our needs and desires, it's the Millennial way to be adaptive and make the best of what's available. In this way, we learn how to reframe what might be considered a challenge or failure into an obstacle we overcame or something that was ultimately the first step on a new path to a more abundant life story. Interested in thinking more about bouncing back from failure? Join us this weekend:Minnesota Rising Fail Lab: Failing Into the FutureSaturday, May 4, 2013 | 1:00pm - 5:00pm Rondo Community Outreach Library Register online by May 1 We invite you to join us at this highly interactive event as we spend time redefining and drawing value from failure, actively practice failing in small and safe ways, sharing and exploring stories of past failure, and considering how we can leverage the individual and collective lessons in failure for improving the future of Minnesota and our communities!

1st Annual Hmong American Day Celebration
Tiffany Xiong, Minnesota Rising ContributorGovernor Mark Dayton is honoring the heroic sacrifices of the Hmong people in the Vietnam War by proclaiming May 14th Hmong American Day in Minnesota. The 1st Annual Hmong American Day Celebration will be held on May 12th, 2013, from 12:00pm - 8:00pm at Lao Family Community of Minnesota. Hmong American Day, above all else, is a day to honor our veterans and elders. Year after year, we hope to take time on Hmong American Day to celebrate our elders' legacy of courage during the war and stewardship of generations of Hmong American achievements. We are asking that you help support Hmong American Day by donating $50, or whatever amount you are able, to help cover event food costs and the Hmong Odyssey show that depicts the difficult journey the Hmong people undertook to come to the United States. Make a contribution viaEventbrite to become a Hmong American Day Ally!

Recognizing leadership: Because we're worth it
Kelly Rowan, YNPN-TC BlogOver brunch with some wonderful YNPN members recently, we had a lively discussion about the importance of taking the time to recognize and celebrate the excellent work and leadership of our peers. This is one of the things I've been trying to be more mindful of in all areas of my life. We could all benefit from being more thoughtful and intentional in taking the time to do this - in ways big and small. We can put a little more effort in hand-written thank you notes, serve as references and write letters of recommendation for our colleagues when they are posed for their next stride forward, or simply show genuine interest in work that is outside of what we usually immerse ourselves in. [Read more.]
From Convening to Transforming
Social Innovation LabIn the past few years in Minnesota there has been an explosion of groups hosting community conversations and dialogue with an intention of building stronger communities. In this Social Innovation Lab, we invite a critical and generative conversation about the impact of this approach to community change. Join us exploring these wicked questions: What does it take to move from convening conversations to transforming communities? How do we move from talking to action that makes a difference? Given the depth of experience in Minnesota with convening and hosting, the Lab Leadership Team sees this as a pivotal time to reflect on this kind of conversational leadership to honestly look at benefits, limitations, and opportunities from these approaches. From Convening to Transforming - The Lab will occur May 9th from 1:00pm - 5:00pm at Kagin Commons at Macalester College. [Read more.]

Accepting Applications: 2013-2014 Humphrey Policy Fellows
Center for the Study of Politics and GovernanceNow approaching its 24th year, the Policy Fellows program brings together emerging and mid-career leaders from business, government, and nonprofit sectors to hone their leadership skills, build their professional networks, and learn how to tackle the "common good" challenges facing our state and nation. As part of a 35-person cohort, Fellows meet monthly between September and June for full-day workshops and seminars; design and implement group projects on topics of their choosing; and participate in a three-day study trip to Washington, D.C. The nine-month leadership and professional development experience equips participants with core leadership competencies to inspire, organize, and work effectively with others to advance the public good. Since its inception in 1990, the Policy Fellows program has trained over 600 Minnesotans, many of whom are now influential figures in their communities and around the world. [Read more.]
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