[#mnrising Dispatch] February 2013
By this time in the year, most New Year's Resolutions have already met their untimely fates. The way we see it, there's no better time to begin planning for Minnesota Rising's first learning lab, "FailLab: Failing Into the Future." Slated for Saturday, May 4, 2013, we intend to spend our time together actively practicing failing, sharing and exploring stories of past failures, and considering how we can leverage the individual and collective lessons in failure for improving the future of Minnesota and our communities. We invite you to save-the-date and if you're interested, join us at our March planning meeting to craft and shape a productive learning (and failing) environment. As they say, "If at first you don't succeed, call it Version 1.0."
Minnesota Rising #FailLab Planning Meeting Tuesday, March 26, 2013 6:00pm - 8:00pm Grassroots Solutions Large Conference Room RSVP to minnesotarising[at]gmail.com by Friday, March 22

Words from the World Wide Web
February 2013 EditionWhy Millennials Are Generational Game Changers | February 9, 2013 | The Fiscal Times The Fiscal Times talks to David Burstein about the impact Millennials are having on American culture, the economy and business. Burstein contends Millennials are shifting cultural values, redefining career goals and paths, and are more optimistic than their elders.
The state of the Millennial union | February 12, 2013 | The Washington Post Unemployment and underemployment, student loan debt, and stress rank among the challenges facing Millennials ahead of the 2013 State of the Union address. Alexandra Petri reminds President Obama of his inaugural comment, "we reject the belief that America must choose between caring for the generation that built this country and investing in the generation that will build its future." Younger Workers Need a Career Narrative | February 15, 2013 | Harvard Business Review Young professionals too often rely on formal staffing and review processes to lift up their achievements and goals. By developing and strategically sharing your career narrative, you can help ensure that when people talk about you, they're aware of your accomplishments and how they might be able to help you advance.
Millennials Civic Health Index
National Conference on Citizenship (NCoC.net)The Millennials Civic Health Index, released earlier this month by four of the top civic organizations in the country, paints a comprehensive picture of young Americans 18-29. The report highlights the diverse ways in which Millennials are taking action in their communities beyond the voting booth, online and offline, across different regions of the United States. It finds that this generation of Americans represents a potent civic and political force, comprising a national voting bloc of 21.3% of eligible voters; education is strongly connected to civic engagement, with some indicators showing that a college graduate is four or five times more likely to engage than someone without a high school diploma; and that Millennials are hard hit by the economic crisis: 62.9% are currently working, of which 31.2% work on a part-time basis. [Read more.]
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