[#mnrising Dispatch] November 2021Daylight Saving Time ended this month, having us "fall back" to Standard Time. The twice annual clock adjustments are one issue upon which our split legislature could come to bipartisan agreement during the most recent legisltaive session. As daylight continues to diminish while we count down the days to the Winter Solstice in Minnesota, may you and yours find light and warmth in opportunities for connection, honored traditions, and celebrating recent and upcoming holidays including Diwali, Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanzaa, Hmong New Year, and more! |
|  Culture Bearers FellowshipThe McKnight Foundation and the Indigenous Roots Cultural Arts Center of St. Paul have partnered to launch the first-ever McKnight Artist Fellowship for culture bearers. The McKnight Culture Bearers Fellowship will support three culture bearers who practice sacred and healing lifeways and share cultural art practices across generations. Fellows will receive a $25,000 unrestricted award and public recognition in support of their cultural practice. Additionally, fellows receive: Professional development support, including a stipend to honor mentors/teachers; Participate in a network of culture bearers in Minnesota Access; to Indigenous Roots facilities and resources; Honored and recognized at gathering ceremony. [Learn more.] |  |  Archiving Sacred Spaces FellowshipThe George Floyd Global Memorial (GFGM) is offering a new Archiving Sacred Spaces Fellowship. This advanced fellowship is a one-year, full-time position in Minneapolis with a salary of $52,000 to begin on January 1, 2022 and end December 31, 2022.The goals of the program include advancing the skills of an individual for an on-going or potential career in library science, supporting the preservation work at the George Floyd Global Memorial, and with the support of the Executive Director, research and writing an article on the intersection of archiving and the sacred for publication. Apply by December 10. [Learn more.] |
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