YNPN Leadership Institute
Deadline April 30
Are you hungry for leadership and personal development opportunities, but struggle to find them in your daily routine? Do you work in the nonprofit and/or philanthropic sector? Fired up about your work and want to see that flame burn brightly throughout your career? Well that takes fuel, that takes space, and that takes tending. That takes the Leadership Institute. YNPN Twin Cities is offering a unique cohort experience. The experience is aimed at encouraging exploration of the big career questions you’ve been asking, and will continue to ask, while doing some serious skill swapping and network weaving across the local philanthropic and nonprofit worlds. [Read more.]


Living into the answers
by Diane Tran, YNPN Twin Cities Blog
“Don't search for the answers, which could not be given to you now, because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps then, someday far in the future, you will gradually, without even noticing it, live your way into the answer.” – Rilke At Minnesota Rising, our mission is to build trust, relationships, and a shared vision for the future of Minnesota, while developing the collective capacity of the rising generation to lead collaboratively. Just how we do this has evolved over time, as we continue to inquire into and assess our strategic intent and impact. For those nonprofiteers who also value emergent learning and developmental evaluation, we offer a couple of our questions and answers. Q1: What are we willing to let go? [Read more.]

Emerging City Champions
Emerging City Champions is a fellowship program for young civic innovators with transformative ideas. They are looking for future city leaders with creative solutions to activate public life in public spaces, enhance mobility options, and build a culture of civic engagement in their communities. This program elevates new voices in city building, and supports projects that strengthen communities. Champions will receive $5,000 in seed funding to implement one community project in one year. These projects must address public space, mobility, and civic engagement challenges in the community. They are looking for projects that respond to community needs, build on local assets, and are implemented through collaboration. [Read more.]


Political Leaders of Tomorrow Internship
womenwinning is seeking candidates for the Political Leaders of Tomorrow Internship Training Program. The program trains the next generation of political leaders in Minnesota. womenwinning staff teach participants how to navigate campaigns and the tools to be successful on any campaign. Staff then helps interns find a candidate to intern with for hands-on, real-life experience. After completing this training, participants will be a great asset to a candidate’s team and have built the foundations of a strong network. This is the first step to starting a fulfilling career in politics! Program details: Interns hired into the program will recieve an in-depth training hosted by womenwinning covering a wide range of topics from the Minnesota political landscape to how to run a successful campaign operation at any level of office. [Read more.]
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