[#mnrising Dispatch] November 2017
It's the season for gratitude and we give thanks for all of you in our network - who you are and the commitment you have to our communities. In so many ways, we are living in an unprecedented time. While that can at times feel volatile, uncertain, and exhausting, we know there are equally as many stories--large and small, public and personal--of engaged generosity, profound connection, and transformative change. Wishing you and yours the space and sight to witness all the light within and around us now.

Apply for a Stipend to Attend 2018 PolicyLink Equity Summit
The Alliance
The Alliance has recently announced the availability of stipend funds for Twin Cities leaders to attend PolicyLink's upcomingEquity Summit: Our Power. Our Future. Our Nation. This summit will take place Wednesday, April 11-Friday, April 13 and is located in Chicago, IL. Individuals interested in receiving a stipend should fill out an application and turn it into Margo Fritz at margo@thealliancetc.org no later than 5 p.m. on Monday, December 11. A community-led committee will review the applications and award stipends to help broaden the Minnesota Delegation attending the conference. Final announcements will be made sometime after Wednesday, December 20. [Read more.]


Good Night Market
Thursday, December 14 from 6:00pm - 9:00pm
The Good Night Market is a dusk inspired pop-up market showcasing local, socially conscious brands, businesses, and makers. Spend a wintry evening at the Traffic Zone Art Gallery, enjoying food, art, and shopping that makes a difference in the world with every purchase. Whether you are looking for that perfect last minute gift or a customized gift set, let the Good Night Market be your destination for amazing products and gifts with a great story! [Read more.]

"Give to the Max 2017 sails past $20 million high mark"
"Give to the Max, Minnesota’s one-day online giving marathon, shattered last year’s record-setting $20.1 million total. Donations were climbing past $20.6 million late Thursday, with money still pouring in as the midnight deadline passed. Give to the Max’s five staffers had been working around the clock all week to ensure a smooth experience for thousands of donors, registered nonprofits and schools, said Jake Blumberg, executive director of the nonprofit that runs the online fundraiser. 'It just really is an incredible celebration of generosity for our ninth year in a row,' Blumberg said. 'We are thrilled to really shine a light on those organizations.'” [Read more.]


Policy and a Pint®
The Caregiving Sandwich: Caring for older adults and children in Minnesota
Join the Citizens League and 89.3 The Current on December 5th, 2017 at Midpointe Event Center. According to the Population Reference Bureau, the number of people 65 and older is projected to more than double from 46 million today to over 98 million by 2060. In Minnesota, the height of the age boom will take place at the same time that the growth in the labor force—a key ingredient for economic growth—drops to almost zero. This unprecedented demographic shift will have an impact on all levels of public policy, from Social Security and Medicare to employment productivity and scholastic achievement. [Read more.]
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