Minnesota Rising 101

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Will Minnesota's Millennials be less imaginative?

The iconic image below captures Governor Wendell Anderson at a time when Minnesota was known as "the state that works."

I've been a part of conversations recently where community leaders from other generations have posed an interesting question:

Baby Boomers as a generation have seen a time where institutions all of kinds were strong and lasted, government worked and was trusted, and people bowled together. Because Millennials haven't seen and experienced that kind of social and societal success, will they be less imaginative? Can Generation Y know to envision something they themselves have not witnessed?

What say you?


  1. This is kind of a side note, but for all I've heard about "Bowling Alone," I have not [yet] read it. However this post just inspired me to request it from the Hennepin County Library system!

  2. Way to make use of our public resources, Katie! Truth be told, I've only read excerpts of "Bowling Alone" for various classes or discussion groups. Still, I think it's now a fairly common reference point and clear allusion. That said, maybe your action will inspire me to put a request for hold on a copy, too!-)

  3. I think this is definitely a risk! I heard Walter Mondale talk about how politicians from both parties used to work together to get things done because that was their job, and that surprised a lot of people. I see a divide growing between city and rural, right and left, haves and have-nots. We continue to become more individualistic and carve out our own little niches, so I doubt we'll go back to the old way of doing things - but hopefully we'll come up with something that works.


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